Thursday, June 07, 2007

Another excursion...

...guilty as charged. Yes, I went to Wool-Tyme again, and two skeins of Briggs and Little and two skeins of Patons Classic Merino followed me home. I thought to bring some knitting on the bus this time, but I finished it before I got home, that's how far it is. I brought a pattern with me from this magazine, but when asking for help with substitutions, the saleslady pointed me in the direction of some acrylic. Yes, I am a yarn snob--thank you for asking. Guilty on two counts. My bus project was try#2 of the PDA case. Bad news, the burn test I did only proved that try#1 was part wool. Felting the case proved that it was not pure wool. Hence try#2, using faithful old Alafoss Lopi.

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